Round-the-clock machine tending starting from €2,000 / month

A collaborative robot system, compact and easy to use. Just what you want from a DIY solution.

Ideal for small and medium batches

We like to keep it simple. From unboxing and installation to setting up your CNC automation. Quick. Compact. Lightweight. Easy to use. Everything you’d want from a DIY solution.

Machine tool tending solution

Flexible grip for any task

Thanks to its easy-to-change grippers, the robot will load your milling or turning machine in no time at all.

Robot arm with rotary gripper

Easy setup on the stacker table

Once the workpiece is defined, the deposit pattern is generated automatically, and the operator immediately knows how to insert the pins in the grid system of the 80 cm high table. This makes setting up the robotic solution child's play.

Machine tool tending solution

Which configuration suits you?

Every company has its own unique and specific requirements. With just a few clicks, you can now configure the ideal robotic solution!

Fanuc Cobot-Roboterarm mit einem Doppelgreifer der Roboterlösung "Coby" für das Maschinen Be- und Entladen
Touch Display der Roboterlösung für das Maschinen Be- und Entladen
Geöffneter Laptop mit der Oberfläche des Kundenportals "my.coboworx-Cloud"
Mitarbeiter bedient Coby Maschinen Be- und Entladelösung

Robotics as a service

Testimonial: Portrait Eggersmann Geschäftsführer
Testimonial: Thomas Fender
Deikra-Futter GmbH Geschäftsführer Matthias Vogt Portrait
Martin Bohmair Portrait – Produktionsleiter bei Avenarius Agro GmbH
Portrait SIRL Mitarbeiter
Portrait des Pro Pet Koller Geschäftsführers
Portrait Mitarbeiter Lay Gewürze
Testimonial: Portrait Simon Landes
Testimonial: Portrait Giovanni L. Geschäftsführer
Testimonial: Portrait Eggersmann Geschäftsführer
Testimonial: Thomas Fender